Modal verbs, or modal verbs, are those verbs in English that help a sentence to have a better meaning thanks to their function. You can use them when you want to give another meaning to a sentence. For example, if you want to ask permission to speak or to find out if they might come to pick you up.

  • CAN

Can is a modal verb and must be accompanied by a main verb in its base form. 

The modal verb can can be used to ask, grant or deny permission in an informal setting.


Can I have another glass of water, please? Yes, of course, you can
You can come to my party if you wish. 
He can’t come because he is too young. 

Could is also a modal verb and must be accompanied by another verb with its own meaning and in the base form of the verb. We use it to ask permission in a formal way.


Could you pass me the salt, please? 

Could I speak to you later, please?

  • MAY
The modal verb may is mainly used to ask permission in a formal way. 


May I talk to you,please?
May I phone you later?

May I use your computer, please?

  • CAN'T
This is the most informal of all. It serves to prohibit specific things and would be used in colloquial language. It is the one that a mother would use with her children, for example.


You can’t have another biscuit. You’ve had engouh! 

I said no. You can’t go to the party! 

  • MUSTN'T 

We use must to indicate a duty or obligation to do something.


We must to class every day 
You mustn’t shout in class.

You mustn’t touch the ball with your hand. 

Have to is used to mention something obligatory 


You have to get a visa to go to the US.
She has to lose weight or she’ll have health problems.

He has to pay his rent tomorrow.
